What Color is My Ferret?

With all the color varieties available, it is sometimes hard to figure out the "official" color of a ferret. There are base body colors, patterned body colors, and some ferrets have head or foot markings. Here are a few lists that will help you identify proper ferret color names and markings.

Body Colors

Albino - has white to cream guard hairs, white to cream undercoat, red eyes
and a pink nose.

Dark-Eyed White - has white to cream guard hairs, white to cream undercoat,
burgundy eyes and a pink nose.

Champagne - has tan guard hairs, white to cream undercoat, burgundy eyes
and a beige nose.

Cinnamon - has light red-brown guard hairs, golden to white undercoat, burgundy
eyes and a brick nose.

Chocolate - has milk chocolate guard hairs, white to golden undercoat, brown
eyes and a pink nose.

Sable - has warm, deep brown guard hairs, white to golden undercoat, brown
eyes and a brown nose.

Black Sable - has blackish-brown guard hairs, white to cream undercoat,
black eyes and a black nose.

Black - has true black guard hairs, white to golden undercoat, black eyes
and a black nose.

Patterned Body Colors

Solid color pattern - the ferret will appear solidly colored from head to tail.
Standard color pattern - the ferret's torso will appear lighter in color, and the
points will be easily seen.

Point color pattern - the points on the ferret will be distinctly darker than the
torso color.

Roan color pattern - the ferret's entire body will be approximately 50% mixed
between any color guard hairs and white guard hairs.

White Markings

Mitts - has 4 white feet, may also have a bib and knee patches, or a white tipped

Panda - has nearly white head including neck and throat, and 4 white feet, may
also have knee patches and a white tipped tail.

Blaze - has white starting at the forehead and continuing down the neck to the
shoulders, 4 white feet, may also have a bib, white belly, knee patches or a white
tipped tail.
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